February 11, 2010

Guat-guat Tsunami di Bali

Om Swastyastu!

Have you heard of the Bali Post? When I was in Bali, someone told me that on every Sunday there are two or three pages in the newspaper devoted to writing news in Balinese. After just a little searching on the web, I was able to soon find the homepage. As far as I know, there are articles written only in Indonesian or Balinese, nothing in English, but if you are interested in learning either Indonesian or Balinese, make sure you check out the newspapers online. Or, even if you are not that interested in learning these two languages, you can still check out the online newspapers which are full of photos and ads to get a feel for Bali or perhaps even get some information. The section of the newspaper for articles written in Balinese is called Bali Orti. Orti is Balinese for news. On the right hand side of the homepage you should be able to find a small photo of the current copy of the newspaper. If you click on it, you will be able to read the newspaper online. There is also a calendar and I have noticed that often Sunday's copy isn't available. I don't know why? That is in fact the one day of the week which is most interesting for me because of the Bali Orti section. At the top of the homepage there is also a tab with the same name Bali Orti and we can find some articles written in Balinese but much fewer than the actually Sunday paper. Bookmark the link and check back on Sundays!

What do I plan to write here? Of course, I wanted to share the above information with everyone and next I would like to copy an article in my blog from the homepage. This is going to be very boring for everyone, but I will tempt to highlight the words that I understand as sort of a way of giving myself a boost of self-confidence if you can call it that. At this very early stage, I will probably be highlighting only those words which resemble either English or Indonesian. In a way, this is very embarrassing because you can see exactly what little of the language I really understand, and that goes for the Indonesian loan words used in the article too! If my Indonesian was flawless, I am sure that I would be able to guess the meaning of so much more. Oh well, I have to start some place. Why don't you also try printing up an article for the Bali Post and highlighting the words that you know? It might just turn out to be a fun exercise!

Here is the article in red and the link to the original on the Bali Post homepage posted on February 6, 2010. I will highlight the words that I understand in blue:

Guat-guat Tsunami di Bali

Ngebitang catetan-catetan indik tsunami ring Bali. Yén ten iwang wénten Bali sampun keni tsunami ping pitu. Punika sané kacatet.

Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Udayana (PPLH Unud), nyatet wénten ping pitu tsunami sané ngeninin Bali inggih punika ring warsa 1818, 1848,1917,1925, 1930, 1985, lan 1994. “Agengnyané tsunami sané ngeninin Bali wantah seperdelapan saking tsunami sané ngeninin Acéh lan Timor-Timur. Nanging frékuénsi tsunami ring Bali agengan malih seperlima saking tsunami sané ngeninin Jawa Timur lan NTB,” baos PPLH Unud, Drs. R. Suyarto, M.Si. Suyarto taler maosang tsunami sané ring Bali kaawinang olih linuh.

Tiosan kaawinang olih linuh, manut staf BMKG Sanglah, Madé Kris Adi Astra, wénten petang gejala alam sané ngawinang tsunami. “Maka patpat inggih punika linuh, longsor, letusan gunung berapi, lan météor,” Kris nugesin. Kris taler maosang Bali rumasuk daérah sané rawan keni tsunami. “Punika nénten prasida kapasahang saking mekanisme gempa pembangkit tsunami ring Indonésia sané durung becik kauningin,” Kris ngwewehin.

Yadiastun Bali rumasuk daérah sané rawan keni tsunami manut penelitian Suyarto, tsunami ring Bali rumasuk daérah kategori tingkat berbahaya. “Tegehnyané tsunami sawatara 1-5 métér,” baos Suyarto. Manut Suyarto, daérah Bali kantun beténan ring daérah pantai selatan Banyuwangi sané rumasuk sangat berbahaya santukan poténsi tegehnyané tsunami lebihan saking limang meter.

Manut Kris, daérah selatan Bali sané paling rawan keni tsunami. “Santukan, yéning kacingakin saking sejarah, Bali sering keni tsunami tetangga,” baos Kris. Punika awinan linuh ring provinsi tetangga salanturnyané tsunami ngantos ka Bali. Imbanyané, tsunami sané kaawinang olih linuh ring selatan Sumbawa warsa 1977 lan tsunami warsa 1994 sangkaning linuh di selatan Jawa.

Tabél Tsunami di Bali


Waktu Sumber


22 Novémber 1815 Bali -
8 Novémber 1818 Laut Jawa-Laut Flores
21 Januari 1917 Laut Bali
19 Juli 1930 Laut Jawa
13 April 1985 Laut Bali lan Pasifik
19 Agustus 1977 Sumbawa
2 Juni 1994 Laut Jawa


Sumber; BMKG

Tiosan ring punika taler manut Suyarto, daérah Bali sané mapoténsi keni tsunami ngantos 29.112,480 ha. “Daérah sané berpoténsi tinggi keni 14.268,060 ha lan berpoténsi sedang wantah 14.844, 420 ha. Punika ring 33 kecamatan ring kutus kabupatén di Bali,” Suyarto nuturang. (iwa)

Here are two new words that I understood from this newspaper article. I will note them now but I probably won't spend much time on memorizing them because I prefer to learn by heart only the words in my vocabulary lists for the moment.

sané - yang - which, that
lan - dan - and


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